Tharsis Project

It is the main asset of the Tharsis Mining group. Seven deposits make up this mythical mine in Huelva, which still has enormous mining potential. Main deposits: Filón Norte, Centro, Sur, Sierra Bullones, Corta Esperanza, Lagunazo, Cantareras and Almagrera. Its stockwork represents a potential additional resource of metals such as gold, cobalt and copper.

The district of Tharsis has been known since ancient times for its content of different metallic resources that have been exploited since pre-Roman times by open-cast and underground mining in different deposits. Among the resources exploited were copper, silver, gold and raw pyrite, which was sold for the production of sulphuric acid. The most important and recent mines are those of Filón Sur (Ag and Au) and Filón Norte (raw pyrite), both of which are open-pit mines, which ceased activity towards the end of the 20th century.

The ore mined at Filón Norte was sold for the production of sulphuric acid, but it contains other base metals (Cu, Zn, Pb), precious (Au, Ag) and critical (Co) metals that have been the subject of our research, with the aim of being able to put to good use deposits considered exhausted or of no interest, as well as mining waste accumulated over the years, but which, with the new conditions and technological advances, could be put back into operation.
1853 – 1855

Discovery of the site by Ernest Deligny. The French company Compagnie des Mines de Cuivres d'Huelva is founded.

1853 – 1855
1879 – 1888

Intensification of the exploitation of the deposit. The La Zarza - Tharsis railway line is inaugurated.

1879 – 1888
1895 – 1899

T.O.S. completes acquisition of Compagnie des Mines de Cuivres d'Huelva and Minas de Cobre de Alosno

1895 – 1899
1900 – 1913

T.O.S. demolished part of the village of Tharsis and built "el Pueblo Nuevo". The exploitation of Filón Norte was restarted.

1900 – 1913
1921 – 1953

North Lode mining interrupted and allowed to flood. Gold and silver extracted from South Philon. North Lode dewatered again and prepared for research.

1921 – 1953
1953 – 1978

Filón Centro is prepared for research. T.O.S. ceases its activity and Compañía Española de Minas de Tharsis S.A. is created.

1953 – 1978

Mining activity ceases


Project development

The Tharsis mine, located in the Andévalo region in the province of Huelva, has a rich history dating back to the ancient Tartessians and has passed through different civilisations, including the Roman Empire. Known in the Bible as Tarsis, it reached one of its golden ages in the 20th century under the exploitation of the British company Tharsis, Sulphur and Copper. Today, Tharsis Mining is the company responsible for the deposit, the most unique of those operating, with more than 3,700 hectares. Since November 2018, after acquiring the company Nueva Tharsis S.A.L., the company has carried out an intense evaluation of the mineral resources, carrying out 219 drill holes between 2020 and 2022, accumulating 76,011 metres drilled and analysing 23,577 samples.

Recent studies have confirmed the continuity of mineralisation at depth, and significant mineral resources have been identified, estimated at 120.6 Mt in the JORC category, with 79% in the Measured and Indicated Resources category. In addition, 8.5 Mt of Stockwork-type ore, rich in gold (Au) and cobalt (Co), not yet included in the economic model, has been defined. In 2023, Tharsis Mining began experimenting with different metallurgical routes to improve the recovery of these metals, expecting to complete these studies in 2024-2025 and thus move towards a Pre-Feasibility Study for the project.
Simultáneamente, se está llevando a cabo un estudio geometalúrgico para optimizar el tratamiento de los minerales, y se han realizado inversiones en investigaciones geofísicas, incluyendo estudios heliportados y sondeos electromagnéticos. En cuanto a la sostenibilidad, se ha evaluado el volumen de las escombreras existentes, estimando 3.5 Mt de recursos similares al mineral in-situ, cuya reubicación contribuirá a la financiación de la restauración ambiental. Tharsis Mining sigue trabajando en estudios de tratamiento de aguas, caracterización ambiental, adquisición de nuevos terrenos y obtención de permisos administrativos, reafirmando su compromiso con la sostenibilidad y la transición ecológica.




Tharsis Project

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