Social Activity

Comunitary Compromise

Miners Diaries

In keeping with our tradition, we have distributed school diaries at the start of the new school year to schools located in the nearby communities where we operate. Specifically, these diaries have been delivered in San Telmo, La Zarza, Alosno, Tharsis, Cabezas Rubias, Villanueva de Las Cruces and Montes de San Benito. 
Our mining diary is designed especially for children, presenting educational illustrations on various aspects related to the mining sector. The main objective is to familiarise the youngest with our activity, promoting understanding and interest in this field from an early age. This initiative is carried out in collaboration with other companies in the sector through the Aminer association, reaffirming our joint commitment to education and the development of local communities. 


-We have sponsored the annual magazine of the Hermandad de Santa Bárbara de Tharsis.
-We have made a contribution to the organisation of the VI CXM MINING LA ZARZA- PERRUNAL 2023.
-We have once again collaborated with the Asociación Cultural de los Reyes Magos de Tharsis. This collaboration continues a tradition that began in 2013 and reflects our support for cultural and community initiatives in our town. By supporting the work of the Asociación Cultural de los Reyes Magos, we contribute to keeping alive an important part of our cultural identity and provide moments of celebration for our community.  

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