Positive Environmental Impact
Committed to the safety of people and the preservation of the environment
The company is aware of significant environmental liabilities arising from historical mining activity in the area. Tharsis Mining therefore carries out an exhaustive characterisation of the water at different times of the year and has installed gauging stations at all water outlets in order to quantify the annual volume accurately, which will allow it to establish optimal strategies for its future management.
Waste management
Our comprehensive waste management policy reflects our commitment to environmental responsibility in compliance with established regulatory standards.
Through a proactive and sustainable approach, we implement operational practices that ensure the proper classification, handling, storage and disposal of waste generated in your activities, whether in the laboratory, geological research work or in the offices.
Biodiversity protection
Our commitment to environmental conservation is reflected in its proactive approach to protecting local biodiversity.
We ensure that our operations are compatible with the survival and well-being of species in the area of influence of our projects.
Before proceeding with the installation of drilling platforms or other work, a thorough check of the presence of the Erica andevalensis species in the area is carried out. If its presence is detected, protection measures are implemented, including signage and information to workers on the location of the individuals, in order to avoid any negative impact on its habitat and population.
In addition, we continuously monitor the temporary presence of protected fauna species, such as the black stork (Ciconia nigra), which occasionally frequents the area of influence of the mining project. This active monitoring allows us to take additional preventive measures to protect and preserve the habitat of these species.
Farm management and fire prevention
We carry out an exhaustive annual supervision of the state of the forestry fire-fighting infrastructures located on our property, which are detailed in the Fire Prevention Plan. In 2023, the plan for the La Zarza area was approved.
On a regular basis, all necessary maintenance work is carried out on these infrastructures, including clearing brush, clearing undergrowth and maintenance of forest tracks. In addition, complementary activities such as hunting, beekeeping and livestock farming are carried out, which contribute to both the maintenance of the ecosystem and the sustainable development of the region.
We are strongly committed to the preservation of natural resources and the prevention of forest fires, and therefore devote constant resources and efforts to ensure the optimal conservation of these infrastructures, as well as to promote a responsible and sustainable use of forest land.