Who are we

The company

Tharsis Mining is the only 100% Andalusian-owned company dedicated to metal mining in the Iberian Pyrite Belt, with mining rights to the mines of Tharsis in the municipality of Alosno, San Telmo in Cortegana, and the La Zarza mine, located in the municipality of the same name, in the province of Huelva.

Our offices are located in Tharsis, in the old premises where the company Tharsis Sulphur and Copper was located years ago.

Currently, Tharsis Mining's activity is focused on the investigation of the old deposits with the intention of returning to this area of Andévalo its historical mining activity, thus reactivating the economy of these population centres.


We bet for our lands

We strengthen our knowledge by applying R&D to obtain new resources that make possible a real future based on sustainability.

We develop a firm commitment to the territory through participation and support for the socio-economic fabric of the municipalities in which we operate.

Carta del Presidente

Un año más, desde que iniciamos nuestra actividad, tengo la satisfacción de compartir con usted esta Memoria Anual de Tharsis Mining, que refleja el trabajo desarrollado por la compañía y repasa los hitos más importantes de un año, sin duda destacado.  
Un año en el que la recuperación de la economía española ha sido relevante y donde la revalorización y proyección del sector de la minería metálica andaluza, como su principal referente a nivel internacional, ha marcado un escenario de impulso que nos hace mirar al futuro con las mejores perspectivas.

Desde que comenzamos la actividad, se han llevado a cabo más de 250 sondeos, con más de 100.000 metros perforados . Durante el año 2023, se ha proseguido con los ensayos metalúrgicos con el objetivo de optimizar el aprovechamiento de los metales críticos y estratégicos para la Unión Europea, tan necesarios para la transición ecológica.
Adicionalmente, la investigación, el desarrollo y la innovación son pilares fundamentales de las actividades de Tharsis Mining. En este sentido, la compañía participa en diversos proyectos europeos de I+D+i que contribuyen a mejorar procesos y a aumentar la competitividad y el desarrollo sostenible de la compañía. Todo ello, alineado con el cumplimiento de las mejores prácticas disponibles y los máximos estándares en cuanto a criterios ESG se refiere con una elevada exigencia de seguridad en todas las concesiones.

Para llevar a cabo toda esta gran cantidad de actividades, es imprescindible contar con un equipo humano de absoluta profesionalidad y compromiso con los objetivos de Tharsis Mining, y quiero resaltar como su trabajo es imprescindible para aspirar al liderazgo que la compañía aspira a desempeñar en el sector minero andaluz y español.
Le agradezco, por tanto, que recorra esta Memoria de Actividades y nos pueda conocer más a fondo. Todo lo que hacemos y como lo hacemos con la máxima vocación y compromiso de hacer empresa y de servicio a la sociedad, en un sector tan importante para el presente y el futuro como este.


Integrated management policy

Tharsis Mining is an Andalusian company that works for the valorisation, study and geological analysis of deposits with the aim of reactivating mining activity in the Andévalo region.

It is the parent company from which the following affiliated companies derive: Nueva Tharsis, La Zarza Minería Metálica, Tharsis Nuevas Exploraciones.

Our activity is based on the quality of our processes, the health and safety of our professionals and our commitment to the environment.
The keys to our activity are to minimise our impact, contribute to the restoration of existing accumulated environmental liabilities, promote the socio-economic development of the communities and restore the mining activity inherent to the territory.


Our management

Our structure applies and ensures the integration of relevant regulatory requirements into the purpose and context of our organisation and its strategy.

Our management systems are governed by the UNE-EN ISO 9001, UNE-EN ISO 14001 and UNE-EN ISO 45001 standards.

Through an Integrated Management System for Quality (Q), Environment (E) and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH).

We promote technical training and environmental awareness through our Integrated Management Policy, which covers both occupational health and safety and the importance of quality in all our processes. We actively involve our team in the system, making them protagonists in its implementation and continuous improvement.

We create safe working environments that enable the correct performance of our teams through a preventive approach, specialised training and continuous improvement of our processes, placing safety as a core value of our activity and our organisation.

Contributing to the conservation of biodiversity and improving the environmental quality of ecosystems

Contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and improve the environmental quality of ecosystems.


Corporate Culture

Our corporate culture places people at the heart of our organisation. We maintain a firm commitment to sustainability, integrating responsible practices that respect and preserve the environment. Innovation and the use of technology allow us to move forward and offer cutting-edge solutions, while our roots in the territory link us deeply with the local community. This balance between technological progress, care for the environment and human value defines our identity and guides us towards sustainable growth.

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Who Are We

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